I first heard about the sport of Pickleball a few years ago when I was looking for an RV resort in the Port Charlotte area of Florida. The park manager was running off a list of amenities their facility offered with an emphasis on “we have pickleball courts.” [Apparently, the sport was gaining ground in the southern part of the country and pickleball courts were a sought after amenity.] I thought to myself, “I wonder what a pickleball court is and what it’s all about.” Well, my plans in the RV ownership area didn’t pan out as I hoped and I never made it to Port Charlotte and, hence, never explored what pickleball was all about. Fast forward to 2021— freedoms from the pandemic are opening up—new areas of interest were running through me. Racing through my mind—I need exercise, I want to be outdoors, I want to be with and see people . Remembering from years back (the RV resort amenity) I asked a friend if she have heard of a sport called pickleball. She said, “yes, vaguely though” and was fairly certain a mutual friend was periodically playing the sport. Not knowing much of anything about the sport, I was provided a heads up on where to inquire for information. Turns out my county Parks and Recreation (P&R) Association not only had information but was running a pickleball program. Who knew!
Well, turns out, the word has spread quickly. This sport which was actually invented in the mid-60’s by a couple of family men trying to keep their children entertained during the summer, had skyrocketed to a huge sport. Pickleball is rapidly becoming a household name.
I hadn’t realized this sport was in full swing in my county and if I wanted to be apart of this phenomenon I’d better get on board. My P&R board had formed “open pickleball” sessions at various tennis courts throughout the county, with a weekly format for all that wished to learn and play. With no formally built pickleball courts, the county marked up tennis courts with a different color of paint to mark the pickleball court dimensions, and than added temporary nets, and ‘wallah’ pickleball courts were formed. The best of both worlds as both sports can be played on the same court. There are designated persons referred to as ‘leaders’ with extra paddles to provide the basics of the game. A brief mention of its beginnings, the rules, and score keeping were the introduction. Before I knew it, the very first afternoon, I was playing pickleball. I was immediately hooked on this fast growing, very social, interesting sport that I vaguely heard of years before.
I am of senior age and have found this sport just right for me. I did not come from a previous racket or paddle sport background. However, a good deal of players have moved from tennis or racket ball to pickleball. I’ve heard various reasons for their move to pickleball, but for me personally, I find the sport less demanding on my body to play than other racket sports. See—the court is the size of a badminton court—one-third the size of a tennis court. That was the appeal for me. Doubles play is the standard, so the court coverage is even smaller. Small plus smaller court size made the sport something I could manage as I become more physically fit. Don’t get the impression, though, this sport is just for seniors or for people not physically fit. I am just sharing my situation. I have played with a 12 year old that came with his mother to the court. He caught onto the game quickly and ended up being very difficult to beat on his first afternoon of play. This sport is for everyone. I regularly play Pickleball with two 75 year old seniors. No age barriers in this sport. I believe that’s why its popularity is so vast.
Did I mention, I’m hooked! I love this game. I love the social aspect. I’ve met so many wonderful people in my short time playing. I’ve been playing for one year now and I have met several dozens of players from all walks of life, from all age groups, and ethnicities. And not just in my community or county, but from visitors reaching out to play from visiting my area from other states and even countries. How cool is that!
The paddle is a good size and weight. Most paddles weigh in at not too much more than 8 ounces. Comfortable shaft lengths and width sizes are available. The paddle feels good in the hand and not overwhelming in size. The pickleball is similar to a wiffle ball. Made of hard molded plastic with 40 evenly drilled holes for wind to pass through makes for a great play on the pickleball court. (Pickleball is played indoors and outdoors with the pickleball made slightly different for the indoor environment). The sport is becoming so popular that actual pickleball courts can’t be built quick enough for the current demand. My county unfortunately does not have any designated pickleball courts yet. Pickleball leaders are pushing hard for them and have hopes of seeing a complex built soon.